Guam’s electrical grid is transitioning to sustainable energy sources like solar PV, but inherent weather variability causes significant fluctuations in PV output, resulting in severe grid disturbances that can cause outages and negatively impact the lifespan of motorized equipment. Guam Power Authority sought to fix the problem with two new energy storage systems and required a system controller to coordinate solar PV farm energy production with storage charging and discharging activity.
Mitigating Power and Frequency Fluctuations from DERs
Project Goal
PXiSE Solution
PXiSE deployed two controllers built on its Active Control Technology platform, which can connect to virtually any device in the field—adding future assets will be a breeze. PXiSE’s controls proved to be ten times better at managing frequency fluctuations, and decreased time drift (a side-effect of frequency fluctuations) from up to 15 minutes to only 13 seconds per day. And another bonus, the PXiSE controls aggregated the solar PV farm and batteries into a single virtual power plant which required just one four-hour training session for staff to be up and running with their new system.