A beach with shoreline wind turbines on Jeju Island South Korea.

Renewable Power Plant Control For Energy Cost Savings

Renewable Power Plant Control For Energy Cost Savings Jeju Island JHEDO project case study cover.

Customer Goal

Jeju Island, located off South Korea’s southern coast, is known for its beautiful natural environment with white sand beaches and volcanic lava tubes, and its designation by UNESCO as a World Natural Heritage Site. Jeju province is striving to make the island carbon-free by 2030. Despite Jeju Island currently receiving much of the electricity it needs from the South Korean mainland via underwater high-voltage DC power cables, the province strives to maximize renewable energy generated on the island.

PXiSE Solution

PXiSE Energy Solutions deployed the Renewable Power Plant Control technology to autonomously operate two battery energy storage systems, one 440 kW/224 kWh system and one 770 kW/776 kWh system, to store power generated from the solar panels and wind turbine and provide energy shifting and ramp control.

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