The Guidehouse Insights Leaderboard ranks companies and uses its scoring matrix to determine their category as Leader, Contender, Challenger, or Follower. This report, released in January 2022, evaluates companies that fulfill Guidehouse’s criteria for DERMS, which Guidehouse defines as technology that enables a collection of use cases for distributed energy resource (DER) management.
Guidehouse focuses its report on companies that at a minimum offer the first of four solutions DERMS can provide:
- DER and grid management
- DER analytics for understanding DER characteristics and impacts
- Integrated customer solutions
- Virtual power plants (VPPs) for market interfacing
The companies included in the report were selected based on market presence, commercial activity, and expertise related to DERMSs for DER and grid management. The report excludes DERMS platforms that focus specifically on VPPs or DERMSs for customer solutions. In addition, evaluated companies should be able to provide their DERMS solutions independent of utility program implementation services.
Guidehouse included PXiSE in its evaluation and assigned it to the Contender category, noting, “Although PXiSE Energy Solutions was only formed in 2015, its technology platform has proven to be as sophisticated and advanced as offerings from more seasoned DERMS providers.”