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PXiSE PPC featured in Tranquillity solar + storage case study

A utility-scale solar PV farm.

When the owners of the 205MW utility-grade Tranquillity solar PV facility began looking into retrofitting their plant with battery storage, they quickly realized that there was going to be much more to it than a simple plug-and-play scenario. In particular, their solution needed to manage the solar and storage assets as separate resources for California Independent System Operator (CAISO) dispatching purposes. 

The capability to manage these and other complex requirements—and optimize the assets to ensure a swift return-on-investment—was a perfect match for PXiSE’s Renewable Power Plant Controller (PPC). PXiSE’s PPC centralizes control of the pre-existing solar SCADA and two new BESS EMS systems—a configuration that typically would have required multiple, hardware-based controllers. 

PXiSE’s PPC solution enabled the Tranquillity plant to become one of the first co-located solar and storage projects operating in the California market. 

Read more in the case study: Tranquillity Co-Located Solar + Storage