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Visit the PXiSE booth at RE+

PXiSE staff chat with conference attendees at the PXiSE booth at a trade show.

We’d love to chat!

  • Visit PXiSE at RE+, one of the biggest solar industry events in North America. Stop by our booth at Solar Power International (SPI) and hear our thought leaders speak at sessions related to power grid controls.
  • Visit our booth #854 at SPI
  • Hear Joe Sullivan: The DERMS Solution: Overcoming Grid Implementation Challenges, September 20, 2:30-3:00pm, Industry Trends Theater, Booth #1694
  • Hear Tim Allen: Island(ed) Communities: The benefits of implementing real-time grid controls in isolated regions, September 21, 11:30am-12pm, Grid Edge Theater, Booth #3438

Put on by Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA), this event combines four industry events in one location: Solar Power International, Energy Storage International, RE+ Power, and RE+ Infrastructure.